Saturday 25 October 2008

Grammar time - Have or Have got?

For those of you who still have doubts about the use of have and have got, here's an explanation provided by

1. We use have to talk about routines.
I usually have a run before breakfast.
She always has a sandwich for lunch.

2. We can use have or have got to talk about possession of things or characteristics.
He’s got a lot of books about art.
He has a lot of books about art.
She’s got a good sense of humour.
She has a good sense of humour.

Note: We use have, NOT have got, in the past tense to talk about possession.
I had a job interview last week. (NOT: I had got a job interview last week.)
We had a meeting at 2pm. (NOT: We had got a meeting at 2pm.)

Note: We always use have got NOT have to ask questions about possession.
Have you got any books about art? (NOT: Have you any books about art?)
Has she got a bad temper? (NOT: Has she a bad temper?)


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