Friday 10 October 2008

Did you know that...?

" Every year an area of rainforest the size of England and Wales is cut down. This leaves local people homeless, drives animals and plants to extinction and releases more CO2 emissions, which cause climate change, than all of the world’s planes, trains and automobiles."

Photo Credit: Early morning misty view of the forest of East Kalimantan, Indonesia, Borneo Photo © Mark Godfrey/TNC

photo retrieved from AP photo archive

In 1989 the British singer Sting his wife Trudie Styler founded The Rainforest Foundation "after they saw first-hand the destruction of the Amazon rainforests, and the devastating impact it had on the lives of the indigenous peoples who lived there." Do you want to know more about The Rainforest Foundation? Then go to (and don't forget to peep their photo gallery).

You can also help preserve rainforests by making free donations or by sending Endangered Species FREE e-cards to your friends.

If you want to know more about rainforests and the effects of deforestation, the following sites will interest you: - What to do to save rainforests - All about rainforests (scroll slightly down to skip annoying ads) - How did deforestation start? - Deforestation effects, causes and solutions - Protect ancient forests

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