Sunday 21 September 2008

Last summer holidays

On my last summer holidays I spent a fortnight in the Algarve with my family and then I was lucky enough to find some time to do spiritual exercises with the Verbum Dei community. What about you, did you have fun on your summer holidays? What did you do? Did you visit some special places? Who travelled with you? Where did you stay?

"My summer holidays were wonderful because I had a gread time!
First of all, the weather was so fine that I went to the beach almost every day. On the beach I met my friends and I swam in the sea and did some beach sports, such as volleyball and football. When the weather was not so good, I went to the swimming-pool or just stayed at home and played computer games.
Finally, my parents and I spent some time in Mafra and I saw interesting monuments.
In conclusion, I liked my summer holidays so much that I would like to do once again the things I did then."
João Pedro Oliveira - 8B, no.14

"On my summer holidays I travelled by car, by plane and by boat and I went camping. I stayed at a fantastic campsite. I played sports and made new friends. I fished with a net and bait. I had lots of fun catching a fish! Then I climbed to the top of a mountain. What a view! It was amazing! I visited some interesting places too. I loved my summer holidays!"
Vasco Martins - 8B, no.26

"Hello! My summer holidays were fun! On my summer holidays I rode a bike, played football and basketball and swam a lot – I can swim very well.:-)
The places I visited were fantastic! I visited a Safari in Alentejo and I travelled to Porto by car, where I visited the family of my father who lives in South Africa. (They had flown to Porto for the holidays.) I also spent some days in the Algarve, namely in Tavira. Tavira is a very beautiful place. It is situated in the South of Portugal and it is very close to Spain.
I liked my summer holidays very much. They were my best summer holidays ever!"
Guilherme Pereira - 8B, no.13 

“I spent my holidays in Portimão, in my neighbour’s apartment. Every day in the morning my father went out to buy bread and the newspaper. Next we had our breakfast and we went to the beach. We didn’t usually cook our meals, we had them in a restaurant. The food there was very good. (Once a famous person showed up there and played with my younger sister.) After lunch we stayed at home in the hours of hot weather and next we went to the beach. Next we had dinner and finally we went to bed. My holidays were very monotonous but I enjoyed them!”
Gonçalo Santos – 8B, no.12

"On my last summer holidays I flew to America, namely to New Bedford which is situated in the State of Massachusetts. I liked traveling by plane; it was my first time. I visited my relatives who live there and I stayed at my aunt and uncle’s house. I visited lots of special places, such as the Whale Museum, some ports, some beaches and a well-known city called New York. In New York I saw Central Park, the Statue of Liberty and the Fifth Avenue.
I spent two months in the United States and I’d love to go back."
Gonçalo Teiga– 8B, no.11

1 comment:

raluquinha said...


I wanna go to the beach but the holidays *are closed*!! xD